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Ada's latest news

Extension Rainfall Report for April 15-30

Hardin County – For the time period of April 15-30, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 3.16 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for the same time period was 1.46 inches.  Rainfall for the April 15-30 time period is 1.12 inches more than the ten year average rainfall during the same dates.

Outstanding seniors recognized on May 17

Ada HS senior honors awards ceremony

Ada High School seniors were recognized on May 17 during the senior honors awards ceremony.

Rielyn Castle, Taryn Fullom, Meredith Marshall and Elizabeth Milks were named valedictorians, while Ashley Breidenbach was named salutatorian. A story about those students is above.

Many other students received special awards and scholarships and they were also recognized on May 17. Those student follow:

AHS Alumni Golf Outing

The Ada High School Alumni Association is hosting a Golf Outing on Saturday June 3rd, 2017 at 8:00 am at Colonial Golfers Club

You do NOT need to be an AHS Alum to participate. 

You may enter as a team or as an individual for $60 per player. Included with your registration are door prizes and a catered lunch at which winners of different challenges along the course will be announced.

All proceeds from this event will go toward the Ada High School Alumni Scholarship Fund. 

Shot-Gun Start at 8:00am. Check in at 7:30am. 

Meet the Ada HS class of 2017 valedictorians and salutatorian

• Elizabeth Milks • Taryn Fullom • Rielyn Castle • Meredith Marshall • Ashley Breidenbach

Four members of the Ada High School class of 2017 were named valedictorians and one was named salutatorian during the May 17 senior honors awards ceremony.

Rielyn Castle, Taryn Fullom, Meredith Marshall and Elizabeth Milks are the valedictorians, and Ashley Breidenbach salutatorian.

Here is a compilation of activities of each student:

Rielyn Nicole Castle,
daughter of Cherie and Raymond Castle of Ada

High school activities have included: soccer, cheerleading, show choir, student worker and National Honor Society
Plans to attend Ohio Northern University to major in Pharmacy

Animal farm

The Ada FFA Chapter recently held its annual petting zoo at Ada High School. Students from pre-school to 6th grade were able to see all kinds of farm and pet animals that are a part of FFA members’ projects. Here are Noah Mattson and Maddie Gossard with elementary students. (Photo provided by FFA)

3v3 soccer and basketball tournaments in June at BFR

Bluffton Family Recreation is accepting registrations for two 3-on-3 tournaments in June.

A 3-on-3 basketball tournament is Saturday, June 10. It has three divisions including middle school, high school and adults. The tourney is double-elimination. Cost per team is $100.

A 3-on-3 soccer tournament has two sessions. The first is Saturday, June 24. The second is Saturday, July 29. It has two divisions including high school and adults. Cost per team is $80.

Registration is available on line at Or call BFR, 216 Snider Road, Bluffton, at 419-358-4150.
