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Historical Ada

1980-81 Ada High School Science Club

Here's members of the Ada High School Science Club 35 school years ago, from 1980-81. Click on the image to read the names of the club members.

35 yearbook staffs ago

That's right - here's the 1980-81 Ada High School yearbook staff. Names are under the photo. Are you in this picture?

Cross country was big in 1975-76

Here's the Ada High School cross country team during the nation's bicentennial year - 1976. Names of the team members are under the photo.

It can't be that long ago!

It was 15 Ada High School homecomings ago. Here's the 2000 court. For photo ID open the photography.

Is 15 years long enough to be titled "Historical Ada?"

It was a very good year - and a good choir

Here's the Ada High School Honor Choir from the 1980-81 school year - 35 contest seasons ago.

Names of the members are on the photo. Were you in this choir?

Were you a library aide?

It's a new school year. Some things change while others don't. Library aides, for example, are always needed.

Here's the Ada High School library aides from 35 school years ago. The school year is 1980-81. Click on image for identification of students.
