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Historical Ada

50 planting seasons ago

Here’s members of the Ada High School Future Farmers of American in 1971.

Back row from left, Mike Newland, Don Klingler, Randy Neu, Jim Blevins, Tom Wyss and Kevin Hull.

Middle row from left, Paul Nichols, Bob Baughman, Ron Cheney, Susan Snyder, Steve Brace, Herb Searson and Eric Archer.

Front from left, Dennis Klingler, Mike Mankey and Warren Fisher.

40 track seasons ago in Ada

This photo concludes our cycle of spring 1981 Ada High School sports team photos.

It's the boys' track team. Names of members are under the photo.

40 baseball seasons ago

Here's the Ada High School baseball team from the 1981 school year. Names of the players are listed under the photo.

1981 girls' track

Here's the 1981 Ada High School girls' track team. Names of the team members are under the photo.

Varsity A - one-half century ago

Here are members of the Ada High School Varsity A Club from the 1970-71 school year. Names of members are under the photo.

It's possible your grandparents worked here - Triplett Corp.

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - It's possible your grandparents or even great-grandparents worked here.

When this photo was taken, the Triplett Corp. was Bluffton's largest employer. Here are two photos of the plant located along Harmon Road, which is today owned by Diamond Manufacturing.

Several sections, including the front office no long exists.
