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Don't mess with my routine

A mother's musings

I am a creature of routine. I cannot tell if I have always been this way or if I were driven to it by having children.

I find my children thrive in routine - regular meal times, set bedtimes, a structured pattern to the rest and play of their day.  My own children are so driven by routine that even on vacation, far from home, my daughter will ask "Where will we have quiet time after lunch today, Mommy?"

If my two-year-old doesn't nap, my eye starts twitching. And if we don't go to the library on Tuesdays, then the whole day is off-kilter.  

I don't deal well with changes in my structured routine.

Five issues, council and township races on Tuesday's ballot

Issues include: Library, Park District, Township, Ambulance and 1 county issue

Tuesday's election for Village of Ada, Liberty Township and Ada school district voters includes an unusual heavy ballot for an off-year election.

Voter will make decisions on five local issues and several local races.

CLICK HERE to view the local sample ballot.

Ada's world record!

Watch 1,000 footballs tossed at the same time


It was a community event with participants forming the third largest community in Hardin County, after Kenton and Ada.

The community, an estimated village on its own, totaled 1,700 or so, and assembled on the Ada War Memorial Stadium football field on Friday.

Their goal was to set a Guinness World Record of the number of people tossing footballs at the same time.

In other words, if setting a world record was on your bucket list, as Dan Lee, Ada HS principal and mastermind behind the event, announced to the crowd, over the PA system, then you succeeded.

Mommy, are you going to jail?

A mother's musings

By Liz Gordon-Hancock
"Mommy, are you going to jail?"

This is what my daughter asked me, as I was being pulled over by the police for speeding. All three of my children were in the car at the time, and I had been speeding in town because I was late to a lunch date with some friends.

"No, mommy's not going to jail. Mommy is getting a speeding ticket," I explained to my worried 7 and 6 year-old daughters. "That means I have to pay a fine."

Oh the shame of sitting there, waiting to be handed my speeding ticket, under the watchful eyes of my children, who've never seen mommy get in trouble before.

Why I don't do Facebook

A mother's musings

By Liz Gordon-Hancock
Have you ever done an internet search on your name?

Apparently, I won a beauty contest in Omaha in 2005, and received a degree in Applied. Mathematics and Statistics from John Hopkins University in 2009, according to a Google search. (Note - this was not actually me, but someone with my name.)

Have you ever typed in your child's name and seen what an internet search yields about them? Go a step farther and look at the images associated with your child's name.

The sheer amount of data, readily available, via the internet, is astounding... and a little terrifying. 

Not far from Ada...a slice of American history

War of 1812 played out in Hardin County

Independence Day weekend has a major focus on July 4, 1776. As they say, "there's more to the story." Here is a small piece and it is very close to Ada.

Sometimes we forget that there was a "Part 2" of the War for Independence, namely the War of 1812.


Recalling from your Ohio history courses, Britain wanted a do-over and invaded the still-young United States of America. The war spilled over into Ohio just shy of the state's 10th birthday.
