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Ada Public Library

524 participants - this summer's magic number

The sign, in front of Ada Public Library,  says it all. Congratulations to Amanda Bennett, Natalie Walton, staff, and board members for a super successful summer reading program. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Summer reading program logs due Saturday

Here's what's on tap next week at the Ada Public Library for this weekend and next week:

Friday, July 15
1-2:30 p.m., "Christmas in July" gingerbread houses.

Saturday, July 16
Summer reading ends, reading logs due by 2 p.m.

Monday, July 18
6:30 p.m., teen writing group.

Tuesday, July 19
1 p.m., Amish book group.



It was more than just a library pool party for Natalie and Amanda

Natalie Walton, head of youth services at Ada Public Library, scoops up some spaghetti from the park grass.

Meanwhile, below:

"I will be right with you as soon as I get this spaghetti off of me...the chairs...out of the grass." What began as a pool party with 128 people attending, ended with pizza in the shelter house at War Memorial Park on Wednesday..then a spaghetti toss at some brave librarians.

Amanda Bennett, director of the Ada Public Library, washes up after a hard day's work outside the office. (Monty Siekerman photos)

Here's what happening this week at the public library

Many events are on tap during the next week at the Ada Public Library including a pool party, CPR class, and learning about Windows 10. Here is the schedule:

Astronauts, Earth and Space - your science lesson for the summer

By Monty Siekerman

The Ada Public Library sponsored a program about astronauts, Earth and Space on Tuesday afternoon at Community Health Professionals. Reed Steele of Toledo presented the program.

Here, volunteers react after a controlled mini-explosion sent plastic objects to the ceiling.


About 75 youngsters and adults were on hand for the science lesson.

Teen yoga at the library

Molly Sheets (left) and Paige Jochims participate in teen yoga at the Ada Public Library on Friday afternoon. The next teen yoga session will be at 3 p.m. on Friday, July 8, at the library. (Monty Siekerman)
