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Ada's latest news

David Glick wins this week's football contest

The contest leader update will be posted later in the week.

The winner of Week 6 of The Icon Football Contest is David Glick.  Hepicked all 15 games correctly and was named the winner by correctly picking both tie-breakers. Jerry Cupples also picked all 15 games correctly as well as the first tie-breaker, but just missed on the second tie-breaker. 

Have election fever? One prescription is early voting


If you have election fever, and can't wait until Election Day for a cure, early voting might just be the solution! Starting Tuesday, Oct. 2, you can start voting by mail or in-person.

There's an ever-growing importance being placed on early voting. If you are already registered to vote, you have likely received an absentee ballot application from Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted. If you haven't received one and think you might want to vote absentee, click here.

New Kiwanis officers

Members of the Ada Kiwanis Club held their annual Installation of Officers on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at McIntosh Center at Ohio Northern University.


Officers installed include (from left) Harold Friesner, Immediate Past President; Mryna McCurdy, President; Dustin Brooks, Vice President; Brian Myers, Secretary and Bryan Marshall, Treasurer. Heather Cox, President-Elect, was absent for the photo.
(Jon Umphress photo)

Western Day

Ada sophomores (top from left) Haley Crouse and Chantel Holtzberger, and (front) Caralee Stover and Terra Hunter, dressed the part for Western Day on Monday at Ada HS. Each day of Spirit Week, which leads to this weekend's homecoming, offers a different dress option for students.

Apollo levy fundraiser on Oct. 6

On Saturday, Oct. 6, the Apollo Levy Committee will host a chicken barbecue and Corn Hole Tournament Fundraiser at Apollo.

Chicken Dinners will be sold and curbside pickup available from 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. in front of Apollo Career Center. Dinners are $7 each.
A Corn Hole Tournament will begin at noon.  Residents will also have the opportunity to drive a semi-truck at Apollo’s Truck Driving Academy for a donation throughout the day. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Apollo Levy Committee.

15 of September's 30 days were wet ones

How many times did you mow your yard in September? Probably more often than you thought you might.

That's because it rained 5.36 inches during September, according to Guy Verhoff, Icon weather observer. The normal average September rainfall is 2.95 inches.

Fifteen of September's 30 days had rain, or a trace of rain reported.

Otherwise, it was a "normal" September. The average temperature for the month was 63.5 degrees. The normal average September temperature was 63.7 degrees.

The high temperature reading was 86 degrees on Sept. 3 and Sept. 6. The low reading was 36 degrees on Sept. 24.
