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Recap of March 18 Ada Council meeting

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The March 18 meeting of the Village Of Ada Council took place without councilors Sean Beck and Sheila Coressel, but was not short of a quorum. Lively conversations took place on the topics of utility aggregation, steps taken when water shut and turn on are followed by an inside leak, proposed regulations for transient vendors including food trucks, and the creation of a list of Ada landlords.

Aspen Energy representatives reported to council that they do not recommend moving forward immediately with creating electricity and gas aggregation programs due to current high rates. A report from supplier NRG shows that prices have gone up since aggregation approval by Ada voters in November. They suggested that council consider legislation that would allow the mayor to sign a contract with same-day notice.

Ada resident Kevin Wagner told council that he is continuing to look at Village water policies and practices. He would like to see one rate for a unit of water for all customers, residential and commercial.

A candidate for Judge of the Hardin County  Municipal Court, Colleen M. O'Connell, introduced herself to the council. She is running for a full term commencing January 1, 2026. Also on the ballot is Andrew R. Tudor. O’Connell is the acting judge of the Hardin County Municipal Court and the current magistrate.

Ada resident Madison Shrider addressed council about a water leak that developed after water was turned off and later turned on by the Village at a home she is selling but not currently living in. After she and Village Administrator Jamie Hall reviewed the sequence of events, Village legal counsel Jane Napier advised Shrider that she needs to contact her insurance and the Village will contact its insurance.

Mayor Dave Retterer noted that three candidates for the position of Village Administrator will be interviewed by the end of this week. A closed-door executive session of council to consider hiring will be held on March 25.

Council approved a resolution allowing the Village to advertise for bids for the 2025 Street paving project by emergency. A resolution was approved allowing the Village to advertise for bids for the demolition of a village owned building in the lot east of Pebble Court.

A proposed ordinance was tabled regarding establishing requirements and regulations for transient businesses and vendors, mobile food vendors and food trucks within the Village of Ada. Pages 46-59 of the attached packet present a draft of the ordinance, which will now receive a first reading at the April 1 meeting of council and a second reading on March 15 meeting proposed to be held at CHP Home Care & Hospice of Ada.

Council Bob Simmons reported that he attended a Hardin County health board meeting, calling it the most interesting meeting in 12 years. The General Health District Advisory Council was presented with a Board of Health proposal to increase fees by 30% so that the health department could hire a Director of Nursing. These fees are paid by entities within the county including villages and townships. The board resoundingly objected to the proposal. 

The Ada council meeting packet includes a report by Tim Thomas for the Kenton Times to provide background information. Jamie Hall serves as the Village of Ada representative on the advisory board. He called the situation a Catch-22: the Hardin County Health Dept. can’t get grants without a director of nursing on staff and it can’t afford a director of nursing without the grants.

Council Bob Simmons reported on a third meeting with landlords about creating a rental directory. The purpose of the directory is to provide the Village with contact information for landlords. Sources such as the assessor’s website do not include phone numbers, making it difficult to reach property owners in the event of a police or fire emergency.

Requirements for providing public information and the need to keep personal information private was discussed. Legal counsel will review issues of access.


Personnel - Motions were approved to hire 23 lifeguards and 26 cashiers to work at the Municipal Pool.

Ada Police Department - Chief Alec Cooper reported that since the last council meeting, officer handled 106 calls for service, filed 13 incidents reports and assisted with 1 vehicle crash. Two arrests were made and two deceased person cases are under investigation. (See Initial autopsy suggests Ada man died of natural causes and Body of Todd C. Musson has been found.)

Cooper reported that a new call box has been installed in the police station lobby.

Village administrator - Jamie Hall reported that the Village received an award for up to $20K that will be used for a water loss audit and loss control. He also announced that Dog’s Tree Care had been selected for the Spring Tree Removal project which involves 7 trees on right of way and 1 on private property.
