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Ada's latest news

Buy Ada First committee planning for 2013


This year will be an active one for the Buy Ada First committee. The ad hoc committee has several ideas for promoting Ada in 2013. Among those includes:

• A chili soup cook-off is being discussed
• Continuation of Ada’s “Cash Mob” (details coming)
• Expansion of “Music On Main” this summer

Tentative “Music on Main” dates are the Friday evenings of June 14, July 12 and Aug. 9. Last year, one event took place at The Depot.

Details on these and other programs will be announced soon, according to Heather Cox of the group.

Area companies invited to sign-up for spring job fair

Area companies interested in meeting potential employees should consider participating in the Collegiate Employ-Net Spring Job Fair on Friday April 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Owens Community College, Perrysburg.

The event attracts students from nearly 20 colleges in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Ohio Northern University and Bluffton University are part of the consortium.
The cost to participate is $50 and includes two lunch tickets and free parking.  

Sponsorships are also available for $150 total and include two extra lunch tickets, a half-page ad in the program, and premium table location.

Community antique show and appraisal Jan. 23 at Richland Manor

Ann Stratton will offer antique appraisals during a community antique show from 1 to 4 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 23, at Richland Manor, Swaney Road, Bluffton.

Food and beverages will be served and the event is open to the public.

Lima Locomotive Works topic of program at Allen County Museum Jan. 27

Scott Trostel, nationally noted railroad historian, will present at program on the Lima Locomotive Works at 2 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 27, at the Allen County Museum, Lima. The presentation takes place at the museum at 620 W. Market St., Lima.

His presentation will follow the Allen County Historical Society’s 105th annual membership meeting, according to Dick Boehr of Bluffton, who is a board member of the museum.

Ready, Set, Grow Pre-School enrolling for summer and fall sessions

Registration is now open for Pre-School summer session and fall 2013 -2014, according to Jami Dellifield of Ready, Set, Grow Preschool. 

Ready, Set, Grow offers rolling enrollment and will accept new students anytime during their school year as long as there are openings.

Of note:

  • The pre-school accepts students who are ages 3 (and potty-trained) through age 5 (Pre-Kindergarten) for their school year educational program.
  • Ohio ECC swipe cards issued through ODJFS are accepted for payment.

Fall School Year 

Hey, Mom, I'm on the Ada honor roll

The following students were named to the second quarter Ada school honor roll for 2012-13.

All "A" honor roll:

12TH Grade:
Bailey Bowers, Jaden Castle, Josie Corwin, Trista Douce, Erica Kier, Levi Klingler, Zoe Laird, Madeleine Lomax Vogt, Jonathen Robey, Morgan Rouch, Michael Savino, McKenzie Shaw, Nichole Van Atta Reynolds, Taylor Willeke, Suzanne Young. 

11TH Grade:  
Austin Dumbaugh, Cory Kellum, Annabel Pinkney, Elijah Rayl, Matthew Wilcox. 

10TH Grade:  
Alexis Amburgey, Noah Beach, Allison Howard, Terra Hunter, Gabriella Linnon, Caralee Stover, Victoria Wyss. 
