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Village of Ada letter to residents on proposed water rate increases

January 21 council meeting to be held at 6:30 p.m. at Community Health Professionals Building, 1200 S. Main St.

January 15, 2025 

Dear Village Resident, 

We are reaching out to inform you about a proposed change in water rates, designed to ensure that our water utility can continue to provide reliable services to our community. 

We have been working with Waterworth, a continuous utility rate management company, since March 2024 in reviewing all three of our enterprise funds (water, sewer, and stormwater). Enterprise funds operate as a business and fees must cover all expenses - operating, capital improvement and debt payments. We focused on short-term (5 years) but also looked forward to 15 and 25 years. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has noted several significant deficiencies that the Village will be required to correct with the water plant repair and improvements totaling approximately $7 million. Though the Village will apply for all available grants, most of the cost may require obtaining loans to pay for these repairs and improvements. The proposed rate increase for water reflects our commitment to fiscal responsibility and to ensure that we can maintain a high standard of service for our residents. 

At this time there will not be an increase in rates for sewer or stormwater. The ordinance to increase the water rate will be read again at the January 21, 2025 Council meeting to be held at the Community Health Professionals Building at 6:30 p.m., and then again on February 4, 2025 at the Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall for final approval. 

Thank you for your understanding and support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Village Administrator Jamie Hall for more information or attend either of the Council meetings as noted above. 


Jamie Hall, Village Administrator 
Village of Ada
PO Box 292 • 115 W. Buckeye Ave. • Ada OH 45810 
Phone: (419) 634-4045 • • Fax: (419) 419-634-4065 
