Screening for 2025-2026 Midwest Regional Educational Service Center preschool classes will take place as follows:
February 28 - Hardin Northern Preschool, 11589 State Route 81, Dunkirk
March 6 - Ridgemont Preschool 560 W. Taylor St. Mt. Victory
March 10 - Upper Scioto Valley Preschool, Fieldhouse, 510 Courtright St. McGuffey
If you have a child that will be age 3 in the upcoming school year up to age 5, call to schedule an appointment for screening. 937-599-5195 ext. 3020 or email Nichole Myers at: [email protected]
Ada will not be one of the screening locations; however, for any preschool student that wants to be enrolled at the Ada preschool location can register to be screened at Hardin Northern, Ridgemont or USV.
Your student will still be placed at the Ada location and the Ada preschool teachers will be involved in the screening process at these locations.