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Ada's latest news

FAPL invitation to relaunch library volunteering and donations

Like many commnity groups, the Friends of the Ada Public Library were inactive during the COVID pandemic, but have since regrouped and resumed activities.  

Since October 2022, the local nonprofit has contributed to the library’s Halloween party, had a book drawing during Chtistmas holidays, and contributed to the recent Chocolate Bake-off.

The next scheduled volunteer activity will be to participate in the library’s summer reading program kickoff in early June. 

CVS hosts theatrical magic production honoring crime victims 

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) will be celebrated April 23-29, 2023. This annual week of recognition serves to promote victims' rights and to honor crime  victims and those who advocate on their behalf. The theme this year is “Survivor  Voices: Elevate. Engage. Effect Change.”  

22nd Annual LUNAFEST brings films by and about women to Kenton

LUNAFEST®, a fundraising film festival dedicated to amplifying stories by women and gender nonconforming filmmakers, and bringing people together in their communities, will be hosted by Soroptimist International of Kenton/Hardin County at Kenton 3 Theater in Kenton on April 1, 2023.  

St. Patty's Day, here we come!

As a warm up to St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2023, the Icon is providing this printable coloring page. In myth, the leprechaun hides his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In imagery, the rainbow symbolizes hope. The Cambridge Dictionary notes that the pot of gold is something sought but not likely to be found.

Polar Bear Reed places third to lead ONU trio at NCAA III Wrestling Championships

By Wes Mayberry 

ROANOKE, Va.—Ohio Northern sophomore Jacob Reed (Lancaster) finished third at 141 pounds, and senior Chase Sumner (Ada) and fifth-year senior Jordan Hardrick (Dayton/Wayne) also claimed All-American honors Saturday on the final day of the NCAA III Wrestling Championships at the Berglund Center.
