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Ada's latest news

Holiday Craft and Food Fest Nov. 2

Community Health Professionals, 1200 S. Main St., Ada, will host a Holiday Craft and Food Fest, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2.

The event is a holiday craft and food fest, according to Deb Curlis of Community Health Professionals."Shop for holiday crafts, food from your favorite farm market vendors and more," she said.

The fest is open to the public and a festive lunch is available.

Vince Koza's SportsTalk live in Ada Thursday

Vince Koza's live radio show will be broadcast from downtown Ada on Thursday.

Koza's show, SportsTalk on 93.1 FM The Fan Sports Radio, will center on the Ada versus Delphos Jefferson football game on Friday at Delphos.

The show will be broadcast from El Campo Mexican Restaurant, 204 N. Main St. from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. 

Volunteers needed to help in scholastic book fair Dec. 2-5

The Ada school pre-holiday scholastic book fair takes place Monday through Friday, Dec. 2-6, in the Ada school library, according to Chanda Smith.

Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Special Thursday, Dec. 5, hours are 6:30-8:30 p.m.

The book sale is sponsored by the Ada School Academic Boosters and the library. Smith said that volunteers are needed to assist with the sale. Contact her at the school for details.

Satisfied customer

There's lots of way to eat spaghetti and this is one of them. The Ada Kiwanis Club's fall spaghetti dinner was Oct. 18 in the Ada school cafeteria. Jon Umphress photographed this youngster enjoying his meal.

Quick: name the railroad that passes through Ada...

Bright orange, yellow and black locomotives hauling freight cars that stop local traffic.

Have you ever wondered where those freight trains that pass through Ada are headed? Can you even name the railroad?


Formerly Pennsylvania, then Conrail, the line through Ada is the Chicago, Fort Wayne & Eastern Railroad (CFE).

Iconoclast View: Reflections on becoming acquainted with Ada

Reflections on becoming aquainted with Ada.

Okay, I’m an outsider. Only 12 miles to the northwest. I live in Bluffton and am learning the ins and outs of the community of Bulldogs to the south. And, I'm starting to become recognized. During the high school homecoming football game a student pointed to me and said: "Hey, aren't you that Icon guy?"

So, I am becoming noticed and am picking things up rather quickly – at least I think so. For example, here’s some of the items scribbled in my reporter’s notebook from a recent day spent in Ada:
