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Ada's latest news

Lions invite Ada youth to the movies on Dec. 14 - Frosty the Snowman and the Grinch will be there

Ada Lions are spreading Christmas cheer this month.

On Saturday, Dec. 14, the Lions invite Ada youth grades kindergarten to grade 6 to join them for free Christmas movies at the Ada Theatre.

According to the Lions, chaperones will be provided, but parents are welcome to stay.

The Ada Lions will provide entry to the movie and one snack pack for each child. The snack pack includes one small pop and one small popcorn. Parents’ entry will also be provided minus the snack pack.

Two movies are on the schedule:
Noon – Frosty the Snowman
1:30 p.m. – Home the Grinch Stole Christmas

Chase, Slade and Zack

Chase Tomak, Slade Downing and Zack Beckwith sing during the Ada High School choir's "Merry on Main" performance on Dec. 2. To hear the choir sing click here.

Hey, Santa, when are you coming back to Ada? (Answer: Several times, read the story!)

Santa Claus is coming to town...again. The guy in the red suit must really like Ada because he keeps returning to town.

His first visit of the season was at the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce's "Merry on Main" on Dec. 2. 

His next appearance is during the kids’ Christmas shopping spree at ReStore Community Center, 210 N. Main St., on Saturday, Dec. 7. For more details about that event, click here.

Then he returns to Ada from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 16, when he visits the Ada Public Library. 

Ada Kiwanis members get some health tips

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday December 3, 2013 at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada.  The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

Kristin Timperman was welcomes as a guest.

The birthday of member Claudia Crawford (today) was noted.

The membership anniversary of Bruce Neely (December 1, 1975) was noted.
Bob McCurdy reported that Al Baillis is doing well and that he is hoping to attend the Christmas party. Peter Previte is home and is recovering.

Icon provides U.S. Postal Service holiday mailing deadlines

For Ada postal patrons wanting to know holiday dates for domestic mail deadlines and foreign mail, The Icon provides the following charts to assist in your planning.

Two charts, which are printer-friendly attachments at the bottom of this story, show dates so that you may get your packages and cards delivered on time.

Or, you may click here to open the U.S. Postal website, which lists all the deadlines.

Icon wants Christmas church service information

Attention churches in the Icon viewership:

The Ada Icon wants to post stories about special Christmas services - youth programs, Christmas eve services and other special Christmas programs.

Send information to: [email protected]

