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Ada's latest news

Catch a snowflake

Can you catch a snowflake with your tongue? Ada third graders recently drew pictures showing how it's done. The photos are in the Ada elementary office. Here's the way Robyn Newland expereriences catching snow. Click here for more views.

15 minutes with Brittney: Maybe she'll be a vet in Ada some day

The weather and school cancellations kept The Icon from talking with Ada High School students in January. We were finally able to get back on track this week. We caught up with Brittney Archer recently in study hall. Here’s part of our conversation.

You are a senior this year at Ada High School. What is your school schedule?
Brittney: Communication, Sociology, Calculus, then two study halls in row, English College Prep, Physics and Anatomy.

Village Voice: Meet Jamie Hall, assistant village administrator

The Village of Ada recently hired Jamie Hall as Assistant Village Administrator.

Hall officially began his post on Feb. 3, but has been attending various meetings since being hired. He comes to the village with business experience, having most previously worked with DeHaven’s Garden Center in Lima.

Jamie and his wife, Valerie, live in Ada with their two sons. The Halls have called Ada and the surrounding area home for over 15 years. Having grown up in Carey, a village that is similar in size to Ada, Hall says that he likes the small, hometown atmosphere he has found and sees it as a great place to raise his family.

Third graders catch a falling snowflake

Ada third graders recently created drawings showing how to catch falling snow. It's simply. Just go outside and open your mouth.

These photos are in the Ada elementary office. Click on the photos below for more artistic snow experiences.

Charles Van Dyne tells Kiwanis members about trip to Keys

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday February 11th in McIntosh Center, ONU.
The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.
The member birthday of Peter Previte (February 17th) was noted.
The membership anniversaries of Tom Kier (February 16th), 1999) and Manda Bennett (February 19, 2013) were noted.
Bryan Marshall congratulated Bob McCurdy on his hard work on the church re-building committee.

Northern faculty presents chamber music recital Feb. 16


The Ohio Northern University Department of Music presents an evening of chamber music in the Snyder Recital Hall in the Presser Building on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

ONU music faculty members Lance and Pamela Ashmore, Michele Smith, and Thomas Hunt will perform selections from Gustav Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder (in an arrangement for voice, piano, oboe and horn by R. G. Patterson) and the Jean-Michel Damase Trio for oboe, horn and piano.
