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There's a new tree in Ada - it's a Tree Commission red oak

The Ada Tree Commission participated in the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce’s second annual Spring Event held May 3.

Commissioners were on hand to talk to people about trees and plants. While the windy day provided a challenge for handing out brochures, the commissioners persevered and handing out information on proper mulching techniques, invasive insects, and games to help families become Beetle Buster Families.

The highlight of the event for the commission was the planting of a red oak tree in the park. The tree was provided, and with a little help, the commissioners provided the labor.

Photos below:

All about biking - Saturday's bike rodeo


Ada youth learned about bake safety and had some fun on Saturday as the Ada Police Department and Ada Kiwanis Club held a spring bike rodeo. Here are some views of the event taken by Brian Myers.

The Kiwanis Club purchased helmets for participants. McDonalds donated the refreshments. Padrones, and China King donated raffle prizes. Walmart provided the bikes to winners.

All about biking

Ada youth participated in Saturday's bike rodeo sponsored by the Ada Kiwanis Club in cooperation with the Ada Police Department. Click here for more photos. (Brian Myers photo)

Hootenannies 4-H Club will help at Kenton YMCA Triathlon

By Faith Holbrook

The Hootenannies 4-H Club met at Miranda Holbrook’s farm. President Megan Williams opened the meeting and asked Preston Brien to lead the American pledge and Faith Holbrook to lead the 4-H pledge. Secretary Miranda Holbrook found 11 members present with roll call.

We voted to reconsider the Keeping Hardin Co. Beautiful at our next meeting when more information can be given to the members. We also voted to help at the Kenton YMCA Triathlon on Sat. July 26. Club members can work at the event and participate when their age group is up. This year they are having it for youth and adults.

Lincoln Highway Assn. meets May 20

The public is invited to attend the May meeting of The Western Ohio Chapter of the Lincoln Highway Association, which will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20 at the Western Sizzlin Restaurant, 2721 Elida Rd., Lima.  

At 7 p.m., after members and guests order from the menu, Mike Buettner will present "Forgotten Auto Trails of West Central Ohio." For more information, please call (419) 296-5565.

County corn population plot planted near Alger

By Mark Badertscher, Hardin County Agriculture and National Resources Educator

What a difference a week makes! 

The fields are drying and the dust is flying as area farmers are taking advantage of the warmer weather and improved planting conditions. This morning we planted our Hardin County Corn Population Plot off of County Road 110, near Alger.

Thanks to Paul Ralston for cooperating with this OSU Extension research as we planted over 40 acres with 6 different population treatments of 23,000/28,000/33,000/38,000/43,000/48,000 and replicated this randomly in four different sets.
