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Ada native Joshua Rouch receives Cardinal Health Pharmacy Scholarship

Ohio Northern University student Joshua Rouch, a fifth-year pharmacy major from Ada,  is ONU’s 2013 recipient of the Cardinal Health Pharmacy Scholarship Award.

The Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy was one of more than a dozen pharmacy schools from across the nation selected in 2013 to receive funding to establish endowed scholarships from the multimillion-dollar Cardinal Health Pharmacy Scholarship Program, now in its third year.

In addition to receiving the scholarship, Rouch has been invited by Cardinal Health to attend and be honored at its annual Retail Business Conference in Seattle in August.

Village Voice: School's out and the kids are outside

Ask any student what was most important about May 24 this year, and the answer will probably come faster than lightning: “It was the first day of summer vacation!”

The rest of us know what that means – seeing kids out and about throughout the day.

There will be more children walking, biking and playing outside during daylight hours.

Some popular paths kids may use are to the library for summer reading club, the park for various summer activities and downtown for ice cream.

Eyes and ears will be the most important tools we all have over the next few months.

Dive into reading

A certain sign of summer - the Ada Public Library's listing of June activities.

ONU piano camp registration underway

Ohio Northern University piano camp is July 29-Aug. 2. The camp is open to elementary students entering grades 1 to 4  who have had at least 6 months of piano study, and middle school studnets entering grades 5 to 8 who have had at least 2 years of study.

Elementary camp is from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Middle school camp is from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Both camps are led by Lauren Kooistra, Kristen Topham and Dr. Rebecca Casey.

To register visit: or contact [email protected].


Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn flavor of the month: "Birthday Cake"

Shirley’s Gourmet Popcorn’s flavor of the month is “Birthday Cake Popcorn,” according to Peter Suter.

“Last June we rolled out this new creation for Shirley’s birthday party and some customers liked it so much they’ve been asking for it all year. We’ve named it our June flavor of the month,” he said.

The flavor starts with smooth, sweet vanilla popcorn coated with a rich white chocolate and topped off with birthday sprinkles.

Shirley’s is located at 117 S. Main St., Bluffton, and is an Icon advertiser.

Hardin County May 4-H newsletter posted on Icon

The Ada Icon now has the May Hardin County 4-H newsletter posted for Icon viewers. It is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

It includes several important calendar dates related to the Hardin County Fair plus other significant 4-H news.
