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VFW Auxillary Easter Egg Hunt on April 1

The Ada VFW Auxiliary Post 9381 will host its annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 1, rain or shine. There will be an outside hunt if its nice and an indoor hunt if it rains or is cold. Ada VFW is located at 2147 OH 235.

Doors open at 11:00 a.m. with immediate sign-ups. Group hunts will be divided by age groups. Group hunt times:

Kappa Alpha Theta Easter Egg Hunt on April 2

The sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta at ONU will host their annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 2 starting at 11:00 a.m. at Ada's War Memorial Park.

Please arrive by 10:45 a.m. when rules will be explained and children will be grouped by age.


Published and student poets featured at April 4 ONU English reading series

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The ONU English Reading Series will welcome poet and professor Kristin LaFollette to campus for its spring presentation at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4.

She will read alongside creative writing student Dakari Ward in the Elzay Gallery of Art, 503 S Gilbert St. The reading will be followed by a Q & A and book signing.

This event is co-sponsored with the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. Free and open to the public, this reading is supported with a generous gift from Phil Oleson, BSPh '66, and Mary (Montswil) Oleson, BSPh '70.

LaFollette is a writer, artist, and scholar from the Midwest. She is the author of Hematology. winner of the 2021 Harbor Editions Laureate Prize, and Body Parts, winner of the 2017 GFT Press Chapbook Prize.


One day it's winter, the next day it's spring

On the last day of winter (March 19), the Icon spied a dozen robins foraging in a moment of sunshine. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources busts the myth that robins are the harbinger of spring.

Special elections in Hardin County on May 2

There will be no Primary Election held in May 2023 in Hardin County, Ohio. 

There will be a Special Election held on May 2, 2023 for the Upper Scioto Valley Ambulance District and the Riverdale School District. The Board of Elections is accepting absentee applications for those 2 Districts for May 2.

For more information on 2023 elections in Hardin County, visit

March 21 council meeting agenda includes plans for chamber events

By Paula Scott

On the evening of Tuesday, March 21, the village will hold a 6:00 p.m. public hearing prior to the regular council meeting at 6:30 p.m. in Village Council Chambers, 115 W. Buckeye. The hearing is for the purpose of considering a rezoning request by Wilson’s Sporting Goods for three parcels from R2 to I2.
