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Daily weather summary: Baby, it's cold outside

It's only mid-November and suddenly someone turned down the thermostat.

The lowest minimum daily temperature since Nov. 12 was 13 and the highest was 37 degrees.

Here's the November daily weather summary to day from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

99 models walk the runway during Festival of Trees style show

Ninety-nine models, including ONU’s own Miss Minnesota, walked the runway at McIntosh Center for a good cause on Nov. 18.

Community Health Professional’s Glitz and Glimmer Style Show, part of this year’s Festival of Trees, put on the show, which featured models showing clothes from 15 area retailers.

Deb Curlis, show director, moved the event from CHP’s to McIntosh this year as it outgrew its space last year.

A copy of the program, listing all models and retailers, is an attachment at the bottom of this story.

In style

Haley Crouse, Ada High School senior, models an outfit from Macys of Lima during the Nov. 18 Community Health Professionals Glitz and Glimmer Style Show. The event, held in McIntosh Center's ball room, raised funds for CHP's Hospice program.

Feet for Fines at the Ada Public Library

Now through Saturday, Dec. 13 patrons of the Ada Public Library may pay off their library fines and help others at the same time!

The program is sponsored by the ONU Women, in collaboration with the Friends of the Ada Public Library.

Here’s how it works: Patrons may pay library fines (not eligible for lost book fees) in the following manner:

1 pair of NEW kid’s shoes (no flip flops) = $5 worth of fines
1 pair of NEW gloves = $5 worth of fines
1 NEW hat or scarf = $5 worth of fines
1 pair of NEW kid’s socks = $1 worth of fines

All of the collected items will be donated to Helping Hands, a Hardin County charity.

Police handle theft from vehicle complaint

Ada Police Chief Michael Harnishfeger provided the Icon with the Ada police call logs from Nov. 10 to 16. They are in attachments at the bottom of this story.

New Beaujolais arrives at Mustard Seed Cafe, Bluffton

(The New Beaujolais has arrived at The Mustard Seed!)

Starting Nov. 20, the 3rd Thursday of November, corks will be popping all over the world (and at The Mustard Seed) as the season’s new French wine is unveiled.

Beaujolais is a young red wine (only 6 weeks old) and some grand traditions have developed in honor of its release each year. In Lyon they mark the day with music and fireworks followed by two days of sampling. What a great excuse to celebrate life, wine and the grand French tradition!
