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Ada's latest news

Crock Pot Tuesday

Felicia Smelser serves Blair Rorabaugh at Crock Pot Tuesday dinner at ReStore where a free meal is served weekly between 4 and 6 p.m. Rev. Rorabaugh gives the prayer, followed by Jon Umphress with announcements about upcoming events at the community center.

Ada schools in session February 24

Ada schools will be in session for a full day on February 24. A teacher in-service had originally been planned on the 24th.

Police call logs cover Feb. 2-8

February 2
-          Traffic stop Warning for Stop Sign
-          Handled Open Door Found on Ballard
-          Handled Possible Theft Complaint on Edwards
-          Traffic stop Warning for Headlights
-          Handled Snowmobile Complaint on Turner
-          Handled Suspicious Male / Activity Complaint on Turner

ONU students to perform free scans Feb. 17

ONU students will perform free scans -- such as those for melanomas -- from 4-6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the ReStore.

Senior dance Feb. 11 at ReStore Center

A dance for seniors will be held from 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 11 at the ReStore Community Center, 210 N. Main St.

Several county awards given at Alliance dinner at ONU on Feb. 26

The Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance Annual Membership Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 26, at Ohio Northern University’s McIntosh Center. Guest speaker will be State Treasurer Josh Mandel. Reception will begin at 6 p.m. and the dinner program at 6:30 p.m.

Awards that will be presented include the 2014 Business of the Year, Citizen of the Year, and Community Service.
