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Dec 3 Ada council recap: aggregation legislation, EMS traffic on Gilbert, water rate increase

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The Village Of Ada Council held a regular meeting on December 3, 2024, with Mayor Dave Retterer presiding and all council members present: Jeff Oestreich (president), Bob Simmons, Jason Campbell, Linda Mason, Sheila Coressel and Sean Beck. The meeting agenda and packet is HERE

At the meeting, council passed resolutions to allow the establishment of electricity and natural gas aggregation programs for customers within the Village of Ada. Council also approved a cost of living increase for the Village’s non-union employees. Council is preparing to increase water rates to keep up with water expenses and discussed updating the associated ordinance with specific rates rather than as a percentage increase.

Gilbert St. resident Pam Tenwalde returned to council to report that she had attended the December 2 meeting of the Liberty Township board of trustees to discuss her concerns about the new EMS garage exiting onto the 500 block of Gilbert. Currently vehicles exit onto Main St.

Tenwalde said the township board indicated full support of safety measures such as signs and lights to alert people of exiting EMS vehicles. Streets and Alleys committee chair Jason Campbell agreed to schedule a meeting with EMS Chief Tom Miller, Township Board member Jeff Acheson and Council member Sheila Coressel.

Council unanimously passed two separate resolutions to establish a Natural Gas Aggregation program and an Electricity Aggregation program. The resolutions will allow the energy consulting firm Aspen Energy to begin work on the programs.

Council approved the 2nd reading of 2025 budget appropriations.

Bob Simmons complimented the Village staff on a water bill insert about water meters (attached HERE).

Jason Campbell informed those present that businesses are now required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report on He said that fines of $500/day can be levied against businesses and commented, “If you own a small business, please check this out.”


Council unanimously approved a motion to raise non-union employee wages by 2.5% beginning January 12, 2025.

During the Finance Committee report, Jeff Oestreich asked when council would be addressing the need to raise water rates. Village Administrator Jamie Hall explained that this will need to be done by ordinance with three readings in the new year. Hall would like legal counsel Jane Napier to rewrite the ordinance using specific rates for each year up to 2030 rather than increase percentages.

A special meeting to discuss this topic was scheduled for 6:00 p.m. before the December 17 council meeting.

Police Department
Chief Alec Cooper reported the following activity since the last council meeting: 77 calls for service, 6 offense and incident reports and 2 vehicle crash reports. He said a male was arrested for domestic violence on December 3.

Zoning Inspector’s Report
Michele Chambers provided a listing of four permits issued in November 2024 and noted that a quarterly report will be issued in December. She also noted that there is a lot of work being done to address code violations.

Jamie Hall noted that the last scheduled leaf pickup dates are Wednesday and Thursday. He encouraged residents to call the Village if they still have leaves to be picked up.
