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Smart ways to winterize your pool

By Casey Heilman
Allen SWCD District Administrator  

As the hot weather of summer starts to cool down, many of those who  own a swimming pool are preparing to winterize or take them down. Because the water used in them is treated with chemicals, it is important  that they are drained properly.  

Those who are outletting your pool water into their yard need to  remember to stop treating the pool’s water 10 to 14 days prior to  draining. This time will allow for pool chemicals to evaporate and dilute  in the water before entering your yard. Doing this will also prevent grass burnout from the harsh chemicals and salts that are so often used to  condition pools during swimming season.  

In addition, pool water should never be drained into the storm drain.  Many do not realize that the storm drains lead directly into our rivers and  streams. Pool water often contains bacteria, chlorine, and other chemicals  that can harm wildlife, plants, and people 

The easy step of allowing your pools water to set untreated can help keep  our rivers and your yard happy and healthy. 

Remember, stormwater runoff is responsible for around 90% of the  pollution entering streams. You can help by not dumping waste of any kind into storm drains. Picking up pet waste, being sure to not overwater  our lawns, and regularly clearing storm drains of debris are great ways to  help reduce pollution in our river. For more information on storm drains,  contact Lydia at the Allen SWCD, (419)-222-0846 ext. 1004.
