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Plants and garden items at Master Gardener sale, May 18

By Mark Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator

HARDIN COUNTY __ The 19th Annual Hardin County Master Gardener Plant Sale will be from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 18 rain or shine at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County. The Friendship Gardens of Hardin County is located behind the old HARCO Workshop Building, 960 W Kohler Street in Kenton. Parking signs will be posted.

In addition to plants and garden items supplied by the Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, the Hardin County Men’s Garden Club will have plants for sale. Other participating organizations and businesses are Keep Hardin County Beautiful, All 4 One Crafts, and Turner Baughman Farm wool pellet garden mulch. 

Look for your favorite flowers, bedding plants, roses, herbs, trees and various other potted plants at this event. In addition, gently used garden tools and other related garden items are often available.

Gardeners from the OSU Extension Hardin County Master Gardener Volunteers and the Hardin County Men’s Garden Club will be on hand to answer questions and provide advice for a successful gardening year. There will also be free packets of Ohio Victory Gardens seeds provided by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Organizers suggest you come early because plants go fast. Bringing boxes and wagons is also recommended.


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