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March news from Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H

Report by Mariah Franco-Rangel

On March 24, 2024, the Ada Barnyard Farmers had a meeting for Quality Assurance at 3 pm. We first talked about making an appointment for blood work for anyone who was going to show chickens this year.

After that, we had Bella Wagner do a health report about the importance of wearing Solar Eclipse glasses to protect your eyes from the sun.

We then had 3 demonstrations, Bella Wagner doing a demonstration about how to make stress balls with balloons. We then also had Waylon Clemons showing the group how to tie a tie and Amelia Clemons showed us how to grow celery.


After all our demonstrations, our group started off by doing Quality Assurance questions on true or false.

We then did an activity where we ordered ourselves by age without talking and then we got put into 8 groups. We did a biomedical safety activity with our groups and had to tell if what ever we got on a piece of paper was either an internal or external problem.

Our next meeting will be April 21 at 3:00 p.m. We will be having a Poultry Banquet on March 30 and a Goat Banquet on April 6.
