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Lynn Valley Farmers 4-H Club  report for June 14

By Meredith Donnelly, secretary/reporter, Lynn Valley Farmers 4-H Club 

The 6th meeting of the Lynn Valley Farmers 4-H Club was held on 06/14/2023 at the Lynn Township Hall.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Conner Mizek

4-H Pledge led by Sawyer Buxton

Roll call was led by Secretary, Meredith Donnelly.

Last meetings minutes were read by Secretary, Meredith Donnelly

Minutes were approved

Treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer, Aubrey Wilcox.

The club balance is $580.29. Pay your dues to Aubrey.


Old Business

Committees any updates?

Pool Party Dates discussed, but not finalized. 


New Business

4-H camp is July 22nd-25 and registration starts Saturday, June 17 , online at Noon.



Lilly Schafer - Show Attire.

Sawyer Buxton - How to prepare sheep shears.

John Kraft- Difference between Cockrel and  Pullet chickens.

Kordel Kahler - 4-H Camp

Next meeting demonstrations: Lora Harder, Carter Mizek, Kaylee Newman, Lila Harder


Next meeting is June 28th. 

Upcoming Dates:

Online 4-H camp registration starts on Saturday the 17th at Noon.

State Fair entries are due on June 20th.


Health and Safety report was provided by Lane Harder and Owen Stuck on Woodworking Safety.

Refreshments for next meeting

Drinks- Gabriella   Snacks- Lila

Meeting was adjourned.

Recreation by Owen Stuck



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