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Ada band at the Fair Sept. 4; lots more music activities this fall

"And now, presenting the Ada High School marching band..."

Lots of music events are on the fall calendar for the Ada Music Boosters. The AHS marching band will perform at the Hardin County Fair grandstand at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 4.

The band will also march in the Sept. 15 Harvest and Herb Festival parade, in addition to its Friday night football game performances. On Oct. 5, the band marches in the high school homecoming parade. On Oct. 6, the band marches in Ohio Northern University's homecomign parade.

Colleges and universities scheduling visits to Ada HS

Although the 2012-13 school year is not yet one month old, area colleges and universities are setting dates with the Ada High School guidance office to meet with interested students.

So far in September, seven schools are scheduled to make visits at Ada High School. They are:

Sept. 11 - Indiana Tech

Sept. 18 - University of Cincinnati 
Ashland University
Bluffton University

Sept. 19 - Manchester College (Indiana)

Sept. 20 - Urbana University

Sept. 26 - Ohio University

Here's the Ada September school calendar

What's going on, when in the Ada schools. Click here to view the September Ada school calendar.

What's for lunch in September? Here's the school menu

The Ada school menu for September is now on The Icon. Click here for a printer-friendly version.

Go ahead, guess how much rain fell in the area in August

Go head. Guess how many inches of rain fell in August in the Ada area. Guess again.

According to Guy Verhoff, area weather observer, 6.35 inches of rain fell on the Ada-Bluffton area in August. That's twice the normal August precipitation, which is 3.43 inches.

Rain was recorded on 10 days in August, and it all fell between the 4th and the 27th. The most rain was 1.54 inches on Aug. 10.

Other than rain, August was pretty normal. The average August 2012 daily temperature was 70.9 degrees. The normal average August daily temperature is 70.5 degrees.

The high temperature of the month was 92 on Aug. 3; the low was 51 on the 20th.

It's Hardin County Fair week

The 2012 Hardin County fair is here!. This year’s fair dates are Tuesday, Sept. 4, to Sunday, Sept. 9. Here's the daily schedule. Click here to access the fair website.



