On May 2, 2023, the Kenton-Hardin Health Department will set up a mobile clinic during the school day for children to receive the vaccines required for 7th grade, including both the Tdap and meningitis vaccines. For more information regarding these vaccines, please contact the Kenton-Hardin Health Department at 419-673-6230.
If you would like to get your child vaccinated outside of the school date, the Kenton-Hardin Health Department holds clinics every Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., by appointment at the office in Kenton. There are also monthly mobile clinics in Ada, Forest and Dunkirk on specific days.
Appointments are not required but are recommended. Ada clinics are at Ada Presbyterian Church: 9:30 a.m.-2:30 pm. On the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Please complete the following forms (7th grade vaccination form) and return them to your child's school. If you have insurance, please complete the insurance portion. The health department will bill insurance, but if your insurance does not pay for vaccines, you will be responsible and billed by Kenton Hardin Health Department. Please check with your insurance company to verify vaccination coverage. Please contact KHHD if your insurance does not cover vaccines.
For students without insurance, vaccinations will be provided for a fee of $20.00 per vaccine, payable by cash or check made out to Kenton Hardin Health Department.