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2023 United Way annual meeting invitation

KENTON–The United Way of Hardin County will hold its 2023 Annual Meeting from 7-8:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 16 at the Kenton Armory, 128 N Main St.

Organizers note, “At this year’s annual meeting, we will highlight new board members, thank our outgoing board members, present annual campaign awards, and have the Bonnie McBride Memorial Pie Auction. 

“We will also have a light breakfast of donuts, yogurt, casseroles and various drinks. We will offer a 50/50 raffle, and basket raffles. Tickets can be purchased by cash or check at the door.”

The annual meeting will also feature a short business meeting to review the organization’s financials, formally vote on the new Board of Directors members and take a look at where the United Way is heading.

The event is free. 

Please RSVP to Martha Nau at [email protected]

Information about Hardin County United Way campaigns, volunteering, partnerships and resources is available at
