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Board of Education meeting summary for January 19

Carla Cole hired as executive secretary, effective March 1

By Paula Scott

Having held its 2023 reorganizational meeting the week earlier, the Ada Schools Board of Education met on January 19 to hear and review reports from the treasurer, principals and superintendent. (Attached agenda HERE.)

In attendance were school staff members, the Kenton Times and Ada Icon. All board members, listed here, were in attendance: Ronald Fleming; Matt Gossman; Ted Griffith, Steve Ramey and Amy Mullins. The meeting was conducted by Mr. Gossman, who is the new board president.

Following a 15-minute closed door executive session to discuss employment and compensation, the board heard administrative reports.

High School - Principal Dan Lee reported:
- Held a new Dog Day activity celebrating the last day of the semester
- Middle School incentive snow tubing trip
- Student artists have had work selected for display at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art
- Students Zander Wells and Adam Connor performed with The Ohio State University honor band
- 3D printers are up and running with use including teachers creating manipulative items for use in class

Elementary School - Principal Jeremy Clark reported:
- 158 students recognized in 4-5th grade honors assembly, which also included “Super Improvers” recognition
- Reading incentive program sent 37 students to an ONU basketball game; a math challenge has students  working to attend an ONU Lacrosse game

K-12 and Transportation - Assistant Principal Britton DeVier:
- Thanked Academic Boosters for providing Klondike bars and Italian ice for students on the honor roll
- Noted that two new buses are expected in April

Treasurer Kim Light reported that the schools are:
- Halfway through fiscal year
- Trending high on purchases and services
- No large changes in December

The board unanimously approved the financial statements provided by Light.

Superintendent Robin VanBuskirk made recommendations for board approval including agreements with Carla Cole, executive secretary,;substitute teachers, and after school program staff, as well as a memo of understanding with the Ada Classified Association, a salary adjustment and an unpaid leave of absence. The six items were approved without discussion.

VanBuskirk noted that January is School Board Recognition Month and thanked the board members for their service. She also thanked Bryan Marshall for his service on the Levy Committee; Corsie Arn will be joining the committee.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

The board will hold February 1 and 6 executive sessions. The next regular meeting of the school board is 6:00 p.m, on February 16.
