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Bench outside Beatitudes dedicated in memory of Patrick Clark

By Paula Scott
Video link and additional photos below

A large decorative black bench now sits in front of the Beatitudes Community Center at 210 N. Main St., as an invitation to sit and watch the world go by, to stop and chat with someone you meet or to simply pause and take a moment of needed rest.

The bench is the gift of Penny Keller-Clark, known in the community as Officer Penney of the Ada Police Department. Keller-Clark made the gift as a memorial to her husband Patrick, who passed away in 2020 at age 92. A plaque is inscribed with his name, Patrick Joseph Clark, and The Irish Blessing (May the road rise up to meet you…).

On September 2, the bench was dedicated with a ceremony led by Rev. Brandi Grant-Rigsby of Ada First United Methodist Church and attended by friends, family members and supporters. Beatitudes director Deb Curlis said that it was an honor to be chosen as the lcoation for this tribute.

The eighty or more guests gathered on a busy Friday afternoon in front of the community center, encircling Keller-Clark and listening to her story–a joyful and sad account. (A video of the ceremony is HERE.)  

There was a 35-year age difference between Penny and her husband Patrick. She told the Icon that while this might not work for others, that she is “an old soul” and has always enjoyed the company of those older than herself. She also spoke of losing Patrick while she was being treated for cancer. However, they were together at the end, when he died in her arms.

Now Keller-Clark has created a lasting tribute to her husband and brought together loved ones to celebrate his life. She also leads a support group for widows at a time when it has been particularly difficult to cope with the loss of a life partner.

The guests at the dedication gathered inside Beatitudes for cake, ice cream and coffee and to talk and reminiesce. Comments included, “She’s a darling” and “She loves Ada,” to which the response was, “Ada loves her!”

The obituary for Patrick Clark is HERE.

The Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Patrick Clark memorial bench dedication at Beatitudes Community Center 9/2/22
