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Summary of May 3 Ada Council meeting

Alley vacation approved; report of aggressive dog shot

After sheltering during a tornado warning on the evening of May 3, the Icon took advantage of joining the 6:30 p.m. Ada Council Meeting via Zoom. The council had a quorum while councilors Sheila Coressel and Linda Mason served as Ada poll workers.

All items voted on were approved unanimously.



In his comments, Mayor Dave Retterer noted that the village had come through a pretty good storm. He also reported on a meeting with Ohio Health Group and shared the invitation to provide input on what additional medical services might benefit the Ada area. Councilor Jason Campbell noted that Ada High School is in need of athletic trainers.



The third and final reading of a request to vacate the alley between the two parcels making up the former Cole Motors location was approved.



Council approved switching to Granite Telecommunications proposal for POTS lines (plain old telephone service) at water plant lift stations and elevator at municipal building. The village will not transfer all POTS line service at once.



Personnel / Bob Simmons: A new organizational chart was approved and a request to hire Tim Parr as CM2 was approved.

Streets / Jason Campbell: Council approved a “lowest and most responsive” street paving bid by Bluffton Paving.



Police Department / Michael Harnishfeger: The Chief reported:

  • An officer shot an aggressive dog outside a residence with the door open and no occupants present.
  • Calls for mental health issues and domestic issues.
  • Increased patrolling of the Lima Ave & Johnson St. area.
  • A roommate conflict resulted in charges of filing a false police report following information shared on social media.
  • Tornado siren went off that evening (May 3) with actual sightings north of Ada.

Inspection / Michael Harnishfeger: As inspector, Harnishfeger reported working on a number of housing violations and new list for mowing and other property violations.

Administration / Jamie Hall: The village administrator reported:

  • Applying for grant money available from H2Ohio for water quality projects (lead, copper and galvanized mapping).
  • The second public meeting on the Grandview boulevard project had a good turnout and good questions. A retaining wall will be needed at one property. A third meeting will be when the Village has learned more about funding.
  • Lincoln Ave. project of 2020 final payouts have been made but the village has not received closeout documents from the state. Calling this,  “A little bit of a liability hanging over our heads,” Hall continues to follow up with ODOT.

Village Attorney / Jane Napier: In a series of comments for new council members, Napier reviewed the bid process and when subjective items can be used in decision making.

Council adjourned at  7:05 p.m.
