UPDATED: The meeting agenda and approved March minutes have been added.
The April 21 meeting of the Ada Exempted Village Schools Board of Education was called to order at 6 p.m. in the board chambers at 725 W. North Ave. and chaired by board president, Dr. Amy Mullins.
The public agenda packet is attached here and below.
The meeting included a brief confidential executive session to consider employment or employee matters.
The approved minutes of the March 17 meeting and planning session can be read here.
Christina Cross, a candidate in the May 3, 2022 Republican primary for the position of Hardin County Common Pleas Court judge, introduced herself to the board.
The meeting included the hiring of three new staff members effective July 31, 2022.
Katherine Baderscher was hired as School Social Worker for one year by a unanimous vote from the board.
Jeremy Clark was hired as Elementary Principal with a two-year contract and salary of $78,500 by a unanimous vote from the board.
Britton Devier was hired as K-12 Assistant Principal with a two-year contract and salary of $70,000. His contract was approved with yes votes by board members Ron Fleming, Steve Ramey, Matt Gossman and Amy Mullins. A no vote was cast by board member Ted Griffith who said he “can’t support the organizational structure” of the position and that he did not question Devier’s qualifications.
The superintendent also recommended the following volunteer and employment matters, which were approved unanimously:
- Resignation of Jeffrey Hunt, who has taught for eight years at the High School.
- Hiring of summer student worker Megan Light.
- Volunteer driver Stephanie Kah and contract for volunteer tennis coach Tyler Christoff.
- Substitute educational aides Grant Smith and Kylie Acheson (retroactively for 2021-2022).
- Certified and classified substitute teacher Stephanie McMahon and custodian substitutes Jay Taylor, Sherman Coburn and Megan Light for (2021-2022)
- New board member Amanda Riess for the Trustees of the Ada High School Foundation
Also approved were recommendations for
- Data sharing agreement and College Credit Plus memorandum with Rhodes State College
- Participation in the Northwestern Ohio Educational Research Council for 2022-2023
- Purchase of National Geographic textbooks
A resolution was adopted authorizing the advertising for competitive bids for two 72-passenger school buses.
Treasurer Kim Light provided the board with a balance of funds, check register, investment schedule, bank reconciliation, quarterly financial reports for March 31, 2022, disposal of assets, invoices for approval and budget modifications.
The board approved a resolution to accept funds of $92,732 from the Ohio Department of Education School Bus Purchase Program.