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2022 Ada Gators swim sign-ups, season overview

Ada Gators summer swim team sign-ups for ages 5-18 will be held Monday, April 25 and Thursday, April 28 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Ada First United Methodist Church, 301 N. Main St.

Cost: $60 for first swimmer, $55 for second, $50 for third, and so on. Checks can be made out to “Ada Summer Swim Team.” Included in this fee is one program ad per family to be provided in the championship heat sheet. Organizers will have samples at registration to help families design their ad.

There will be a $10 late fee for registering after May 31, 2022. 

A representative from Poco Loco will be at the April 25 sign-ups to check sizes and take orders for swimsuits. 

Have questions? Text or call: Sheila Baumgartner 419-966-7740 or Christina Bowden 419-204-9148.

Additional information can be found on Facebook at “Ada Summer Swim Team – Gators” and a Remind group can be joined by texting @adaswim to 81010.


The Ada Summer Swim Team consists of over 70 young swimmers who swim competitively in the Western Ohio Aquatic League (W.O.A.L). The W.O.A.L. consists of the following teams: Ada Gators, Bluffton Community Pool, Kenton, Shawnee Country Club, Van Wert, Westside Swim and Racquet Club, Findlay, and Wapakoneta. 

Swim meets and important dates:

Thursday, June 9 HOME swim meet vs. Bluffton 

Monday, June 13: Away swim meet @ Shawnee 

Thursday, June 16: HOME swim meet vs. Wapak 

Monday, June 20: Away swim meet @ Findlay 

Thursday, June 23: HOME swim meet vs. Westside 

Monday, June 27: Away swim meet @ Kenton 

Thursday, June 30: HOME swim meet vs. Van Wert 

Thursday, July 7: Pancake breakfast after swim practice 

Friday, July 8 & Saturday, July 9: Swim Championships at Wapakoneta

Sunday, July 10: End-of-Season Banquet at the Park 

Swimmers must attend a minimum of two meets to qualify for Champs Practices held Monday thru Friday: 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. for 11 and up; 10 a.m.-11a.m. for 10 and under.

Parents/volunteers work (ie. timer/runner) for a minimum of three swim meets. Volunteers are needed at both home meets, away meets, the pancake breakfast, and end-of-season banquet.


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