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Ada's latest news

To keep or not to keep: Deciding what to do with paperwork after tax filing season

Spring’s warming temperatures have been known to inspire bouts of cleaning.  Taming the growing pile of household paperwork is one potential task, but what documents should be kept, and which can be thrown away?  The Internal Revenue Service offers some timely advice for those bitten by the spring cleaning bug.

According to the IRS, taxpayers should keep a copy of their tax returns and all return-related, substantiating documents.  The IRS typically requests to review wage and other income statements, plus receipts for qualifying expenses, for those tax returns selected for audit.

Meet you at the station

Before there was a Dixie Highway...before there was a Lincoln Highway...before there was a State Route 235...railroads were the way to travel.

Here's a 1902 photograph of Ada's Pennsylvania Railroad depot. The line connected New York City and Chicago with very fast service. Depending upon your point of view, not much or, quite a bit has change in 110 years.

(Photo from "Ada and the O.N.U. - The new and the old".)

Stop and smell the daylilies

The most colorful downtown garden in Ohio is blooming at the Ada depot. Ada sixth graders helped turn the garden into a spot to enjoy today by spreading mulch over the garden area.

Safe Routes to School Team invites public input

Ada’s Safe Routes to School Team invite Icon viewers to a 6 p.m., Thursday, May 17, public meeting in the Ada School cafeteria.

The meeting’s purpose is to have public input on the Safe Routes to School program. The program’s goals follow:

1 - Improve the environment around the school to encourage walking and bicycling to and from our school,
2 - Expand the school’s curriculum and activities to include safety and education programs that will teach our children pedestrian and bicycling safety, and
3 -  Hold events to encourage walking and bicycling.

Deb Curlis replaces Matt Brown as Ada chamber president

Deb Curlis, marketing/volunteer coodinator for Community Health Professionals, was named interim director of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce, this week. Matt Brown, who had held the position, resigned due to a new position he accepted working with the Duff Companies, located in Huntsville.

Curlis was nominated by the chamber board of directors and will serve through Dec. 31. Brown will remain available to assist Curlis through the end of June.

The announcement was made at the May 16 chamber meeting held in the Ada depot. It was the last meeting the chamber will hold in the depot as the chamber office will be officially closed by the end of the week.

Just Jazzinn continues May 18 and May 25

Two more Friday nights of Just Jazzinn are planned at The Inn at ONU this month. Th e free events offer live music and a casual atmosphere anytime between 5 and 8 p.m. The remaining events are Friday, May 18, and Friday, May 25.

Persons attending may stay for dinner or order a burger and specialty drink from The Pub.

