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Ada's latest news

Nov. 15 public auction of farmland

Siefker Real Estate and Auctio Co. LTD has announced the public auction of farmland at 7 p.m. on Nov. 15 at the Centre at Bluffton, 601 N. Main St.

The property is 108.32 +/- acres in section 32, Richland Twp., Allen County, OH with frontage on Pandora Road, south of Pandora. App. 1.5 miles south of Pandora on Rd. 5.

Summary of Nov. 2 Ada Regular Council Meeting

The November 2 Regular Council Meeting of the Village of Ada was attended by four of six members. Sheila Coressel was absent because of the General Election.

Payments included the installation of LED lighting in the municipal parking lot following the failure of twenty-some bulbs and ballasts.

The following resolutions passed unanimously:

John & Toni's new ownership

On October 30, Ada Area Chamber of Commerce members joined the staff of John & Toni's, 216 N Main, for an official celebration of Tammy Downing's new ownership and expansion of service to include breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Del and Karol Wells celebrate 50th wedding anniversary

Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Wells will celebrate 50 years of marriage on Nov. 7, 2021. A luncheon will be held from 1-3 p.m. that day at the LaFayette Congregational Christian Church, 205 W Main St., to celebrate what Karol calls "50 years of fun!"

Del and the former Karol Lynne Contris were married Nov. 7, 1971, at Liberty Chapel Church near LaFayette by the Rev. Marvin Paxton. They built a home on property nearby and raised 4 children, dozens of foster children, and countless international exchange students.

Unofficial elections results for Nov. 2, 2021 Ada General Election

The Hardin County Board of Elections has reported the following unofficial results for the November 2, 2021 General Election in the Village of Ada.

The information below lists a candidate or proposed tax and the number of votes recieved. Unofficial election winners marked with *

For Member of Council, Village of Ada (four candidates for four seats; Noah Ristau withdrew)

*Sean Beck 331

*Jason Campbell 395

*Jeff Oestreich 425

*Robert C. Simmons 455


For Township Trustees (four candidates for two seats)

Ben Brite 246

*Gary G. Hall 542

*Bradley D. Hays 679

Nov. 2 Regular Council Meeting can be joined online

The Village of Ada has provided a link to join the 6:30 p.m. November 2, 2021 council meeting online:

The agenda for the meeting can be viewed at Meeting Agenda.

Village of Ada Regular Council Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month at 6:30 pm. 

Meetings are held in Council Chambers, located on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Building, which is located at 115 West Buckeye Ave.  Elevator service is available. 
