Permitless concealed carry, diesel price impact on Refuse Fund, Eclipse task force
Posted by Paula Scott on Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Mayor Dave Retterer chaired the Ada Village Council Regular Meeting of March 15, 2022 beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The agenda included approval of bill payments, a resolution for advertising for bids on street paving (approved unanimously), and reports from committees.
In New Business, council approved $1,500 to support Ohio Northern University’s Patriotic Pops concert scheduled for July 2, 2022. Mayor Retter, Bob Simmons, and Jamie Hall reported on an Enterprise Zone Meeting with Associated Plastics and Harvest Pride.
Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy Dean Steve Martin, Pharm.D., recently received the Distinguished Service Award from the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), a leadership group that collaboratively focuses on critical care practice, education and research. The award annually recognizes a society member for their consistent and sustained leadership and contribution to the group’s Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology (CPP) Section, which focuses on optimal pharmacotherapeutic outcomes for all critically ill patients.
The Hardin Soil and Water Conservation District is taking orders for its annual pond fish sale. The following fingerling species are available: Largemouth Bass; Bluegill; Hybrid Bluegill; Channel Catfish; White Amur; Redear Sunfish; Fathead Minnows. Please note that the fish are sold individually.
Hardin County Master Gardeners event / Registration deadline March 31
Posted by Staff on Tuesday, March 15, 2022
The Master Gardeners of Hardin County are hosting "April Showers Bring Garden Flowers" from 8:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, 2022 at the Mid Ohio Energy Cooperative Community Room, located at 1210 W. Lima Street in Kenton, Ohio.
The registration deadline is March 31. The cost is $50.00 ($40.00 for active Master Gardener Volunteers) and includes continental breakfast, box lunch, handouts and door prizes.
The first speaker is David McPheron who will speak on starting plants from seed, cuttings and division. Are you disappointed at the result? David will provide the steps to grow a plant to transplant size for your garden.
Ada Icon founder Fred Steiner visited the Ada Rotary to provide a program called "Four Guys Walk into a Bluffton Bank and the rest is Bluffton Oral History." The four guys? John Dillinger and his gang. Where and when? Bluffton on August 14, 1933.
Steiner explains that one firsthand account was written down. Dozens of other oral accounts vary in their details.
Steiner sold the Bluffton and Ada Icons in 2021. He now writes a local history blog at These writings are also featured on Sunday on