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Ada's latest news

Gator boys best Wapak at home meet

Story and photos by Cort Reynolds

The Ada boys summer swim team defeated visiting Wapakoneta on a hot and hazy Thursday night, June 16, in West Ohio Aquatic League action at the municipal pool.

The Alligator boys dunked Wapak, 209-134.

But the Waves won the girls meet 216-103, and the visitors captured the overall combined boys-girls competition by a 350-312 score. 

Olivia Aggozino (9-10 age bracket) paced the Ada girls with four individual race wins. Lily Baumgartner (15-18) won two races, as did Carly Hull (6 and under).

Weekend Doctor: Molluscum contagiosum

By Mike Patrick, MD
Medical Director for Interactive Media, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Despite its big, scary-sounding name, molluscum contagiosum is a common and relatively harmless skin condition seen in many children. It comes in the form of bumps that range in size from a pinhead to a pencil eraser. The bumps are caused by a skin virus and appear as painless domes that are typically flesh-colored, although they may develop a white center and/or redness around the edges. The telltale sign of molluscum contagiosum is a small dimple (umbilication) on top and near the center. Although one bump may appear alone, they are often seen in clusters or scattered on different areas of the skin.

In the cool of the pool

The Ada-Lost Creek Gators held their second WOAL home meet on June 16 vs. the Wapak Waves. See results HERE. PHOTO by Cort Reynolds.

How to join June 21 council meeting online

Individuals can attend the 6:30 p.m. June 21 Ada council meeting in person or via Zoom.

The Zoom link as well as the council agenda and supporting materials are posted at


The floor is open to the public at each meeting.

Knights of North Castle VBS at Ada First UMC

Ada First United Methodist Church, 301 N. Main, is inviting the community to the summer Vacation Bible School program "Knights of North Castle!" 

Knights of North Castle will be held in the evenings of July 25-29, 2022.

To register, visit

More information will be shared as it becomes available.

For more information, please contact the church office at (419) 634-4626 or at [email protected].

Tuesday evening swim now 8-10 p.m.; pool rules reminder

The Ada Municipal Pool announced the following on June 16:

"We would like to start this post off with a big thank you! A thank you to those who support our pool whether that be throughout each day or by simply passing along the word to a friend. We have had an overwhelming number of patrons on Tuesday's midnight swim and in order to keep our staff and patrons safe we have decided to suspend midnight swim.

"We will have a nightly swim each Tuesday from 8:00-10:00 p.m. We will closely monitor the number of patrons entering in order to ensure we have an adequate number of lifeguards on duty.
