By Paula Scott
At twice-monthly meetings of the Ada Council, Ada Police Chief Alec Cooper provides councilors and the mayor with an update including the total number of calls received since the last meeting.
But what is a week of calls like for Ada's finest? The Hardin County Sheriff's dispatch log for June 1-7 shows the following calls including 12 medical emergencies, 9 traffic stops and a range of other vehicle-related issues. Stay tuned for the Icon's report on the June 6 council meeting including Chief Cooper's update.
June 1 - Neighbor Complaint
June 1 - Vehicle Breaking And Entering
June 1 - Property Damage Accident
June 1- New
June 1 - Property Damage Accident
June 1- 911 Open Line/Accidental Dial
June 1 - Follow-Up
June 1 - Medical Emergency
June 1- 911 Open Line/Accidental Dial