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Ada's latest news

Two Bluffton summer events return

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - Two more events, cancelled last year, will take place in Bluffton this summer. Both events are sponsored by the Bluffton Lions Club.

Festival of Wheels - June 18
Any community member interested in helping with this project may contact Dan Diller at [email protected]

The Ride to Remember - July 10
Any community member interested in assisting with this project may contact Ron Headings at [email protected]

Watch the Icon for more information on these two events.

This week's list

Several new “Help Wanted” advertisements are now listed on Ada and Bluffton Icons. Check Icon Classified Ad pages at:

New opening are added to this list daily. Businesses interested in listing positions available should contact [email protected].

McGuffey cleaning up for its 125th anniversary

Over 40 students and residents cleaned railroad bed picking up everything including the kitchen sink

More photos at bottom -
Residents of McGuffey and students at Upper Scioto Valley High School High School kick started the clean-up of their village Friday by working from 9 to 4 cleaning up trash along the railroad bed that runs through McGuffey.

Thanks to football coach Dustin Price and other school faculty over 40 students showed up to help according to village council member Richard Spradlin.

Spradlin shared how they worked hard all day and filled the biggest dumpster that was available.

Watch our video introducing the Ada HS prom king and queen candidates

Watch the video posted below - 

After a one-year absence, Ada High School’s prom returns on Saturday, April 24. The event is scheduled for Crimson Lane and it follows all current CDC and Hardin County Health Department event guidelines.

Due to the current guidelines the Grand March will not take place this year. Only prom guests with tickets and event workers are permitted at the venue.

The prom committee offers a thank you to everyone for helping make this event safely happen in support of Ada students.

This is what's growing in Hardin County

87,600 acres of corn • 122,500 acres of soybeans • 9,400 acres of wheat

Provided by Mark Badertscher
As Hardin County farmers start to plant this year’s corn and soybeans, crop yields from the 2020 growing season have been released from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Although these crop production numbers are based on estimates, they are used for crop insurance and government reporting purposes.

According to a released report, 87,600 acres of corn were planted with 82,000 acres harvested in the county in 2020. 

A parade that no one watches

The oversized-load parade through Ada is a frequent event. The Icon watched this one pass through town on Wednesday, despite the fact that we were the only one on the curb watching. As an editorial opinion, we feel these traffic stoppers belong on an detour route around the village instead of through the village.
