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Ada's latest news

This week's list

Several new “Help Wanted” advertisements are now listed on Ada and Bluffton Icons. Check Icon Classified Ad pages at:

New opening are added to this list daily. Businesses interested in listing positions available should contact [email protected].

Count the freight cars - maybe win a pizza

The Icon filmed this Chicago, Ft. Wayne and Eastern freight passing through Ada on June 10 on its way to Lima.

How to enter this contest for a free pizza:

Count (or guess) the correct number of freight cars on this train. All correct entries will be entered into a drawing to win a 16-inch, 2-item 3 Brothers Family Pizza.

The video is 3:32 minutes in length, making this the quickest pizza you've ever waited to eat.

Send your answer to: [email protected], with the message line: Freight train contest.

Icon music review – Five awesome songs about work

I take solace that my daily grind now starts and stops at my door

Reviewed/Written by Craig Hoffman 
My long work day got the best of me one late evening. I spent a good number of minutes griping to my lovely wife. I complained about my company, my boss, my coworkers, and even my lunch. 

“What would you like me to do about all that?”
“I don't know. Sympathize? Empathize?”
“What difference would that make?”

“Heigh-Ho”- The Seven Dwarfs, Disney (1937)

Workers around the world can relate to this classic tune. The daily slog can get the best of even the most dedicated of employees. 

Home Is Not The Office

It's all happening this summer in Ada

Reading program, pops concert, fireworks, Farmers and Merchants Picnic, Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival, Harvest and Herb Fest'

Courtney Davis, multi-county programming manager of Kan Du Group, with a presence in Ada, will tell about the organization at the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce monthly meeting next week.

The meeting is at 8 a.m., Wednesday, June 16, at the Ada Public Library.

Davis said that the mission of the organization is to promote the independence and employability of adults with developmental disabilities, while providing an atmosphere to learn, community and connect.

The chamber board meet on June 2 and updates on several communities events were announced. Those updates follow:

Hey, kids, here's a coloring contest to enter

3 age groups with 3 prizes in each group offered by Century 21 Sunway Realty

Century 21 Sunway, 208 N. Main St., Ada, invites young artists to participate in a coloring contest offered by the downtown business this summer.

Coloring contest pictures are available to pick up at the Century 21 office. The contest has categories for:

• Ages 2 to 4
• Ages 5 to 7
• Ages 8 to 10

The contest drawing period is from Monday, June 14, through Friday, July 23.

Each age group offers a first, second and third place prize. And entries will be displayed in the Century 21 window.

Watch for the winner announcement on Monday, July 26.

4.07 inches of rain fell in Liberty Township in May

Liberty Township experienced 4.07 inches of rain, and reached 5.62 inches since the growing season started on April 15, according to Mark Badertscher of the Hardin County extension office.

For the period of May 1-May 31, extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 4.08 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for the same time was 4.73 inches.  Rainfall for May was 0.33 inches less than the 10-year average rainfall for the month.

Jackson Township received 5.00 inches of rain for May, the highest amount of the township sites.  

Blanchard Township had the lowest rainfall amount for the month of May with 3.05 inches.  
