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Icon book review: Dark Sky

Review by Robert McCool

With the release of 2021's New York Time's best-selling novel, "Dark Sky" (G.P. Putnam ISBN-13-978-1-4328-8563-2) C.J. Box ("Open Season", "Long Range") increases his count of "Joe Pickett" books to a truly binge-worthy twenty-one.

A well-deserved retirement

After more than ten years of owning The Icons, Fred and Mary P. Steiner celebrated their retirement with the community of Bluffton. A similar event is being planned later this month for Ada viewers.

Friendship Gardens Open House

By Mark Badertscher
Did the pandemic have you all couped up and wanting to get out and enjoy the outdoors? Several people across the state took up new hobbies during this time and gardening was one of these new interests.

Highway construction update

Week of July 12, 2021

State Route 195 between State Route 309 and County Road 80 will be reduced to one lane for a storm drain replacement. Traffic will be maintained via portable traffic signals.

Interstate 75 at the village of Beaverdam will experience lane restrictions and ramp closures for paving and reconstruction. Nighttime lane closures for finish work following resurfacing project may impact traffic.

November 27 Blaze of Lights parade invitation

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce is inviting community organizations and businesses to participate in the 2021 Bluffton Blaze of Lights parade on Saturday, November 27.

"It's Christmas (planning) in July," notes chamber CEO Paula Scott. "Several organizations have contacted us to confirm the date and we are planning for a wonderful, 100-plus unit parade in 2021."

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H update

By club Reporter Lindsey Winings
The Jumbo Jr. Farmers 4-H Club met at McDonald Township Hall on June 28th at 7:00 pm. The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Samantha Blue.

Ryan Harpster led the Pledge of Allegiance and Tanner Schinness led the 4-H pledge.

Roll call, noted by Tate Ketcham, was responded to by members with their favorite ride. Attendance included eighteen members, 12 parents, and 4 volunteers.

Treasurer report was given by Noah Ketcham and a health report was done by Ade Bridenstine. The report was on sunscreen application.

A project presentation was done by Quinn Dyer on woodworking.
