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Ada's latest news

Considering tree work on your property?

Read this first!

The Ada Village Council has passed an ordinance revising the Villages requirement for any tree care companies that complete tree work within the Village. This does include work performed on private property.

If you are a property owner contracting a company to perform tree related work on your property, the tree service company must first obtain a Village Tree Care License from the Village prior to any work being done. This is to ensure that the company completing tree work within the Village has the proper liability insurance, certificate of workers' compensation and obtains the Village ordinance prohibiting tree topping and other proper tree care regulations.

Real estate auction on August 19

Siefker Real Estate and Auction. Co., Ottawa, will hold a public auction at 4 p.m., Thursday, August 19, on site at 10666 Thayer Rd., Columbus Grove. Preview is day of auction from 2 p.m. until the start of the auction.

Siefker Real Estate and Auction Co.

Bulldog Backpack Blessing during F&M Picnic

Free backpacks with supplies will be distributed on August 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. while supplies last at the Ada Farmers and Merchants Picnic. The school supply ministry is supported by several churches in Ada to help parents in the community prepare for school.

Icon author review: Chris Bohjalian

Review by Robert McCool

I recently discovered an author with a huge body of work, and a style that satisfies the soul which is searching for something, somehow, more than plain pop fiction. Chris Bohjalian has written twenty-two books, all based upon specific issues that are relatable to present times and circumstances. I read the first three that came to me through the library lending service.

Car Show hosted by Vancrest of Ada

On Friday, August 6, a car show hosted by Vancrest of Ada, 600 W. North Ave, Ada, will take place from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in their front parking lots.

Cars of all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate. A prize will be awarded to Best of Show.

Contact Jennifer Line, (419) 558-1379, if you plan to attend with a car. The show is weather permitting.

Hardin Co. Dept. of Job and Family Services announces Back to School Clothing Program

Applications must be picked up by Aug. 5

The Hardin County Department of Job and Family Services announced they have launched a countywide back to school clothing program for eligible Hardin County families.

"To be eligible families must reside in Hardin County, have children enrolled in grades PreK-12 and be at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. For a family of four, that’s right around $53,000 a year,” stated John Folk, Hardin County JFS Director.
