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Ada's latest news

Letter: Ada Chamber sends reminder and thanks to members

From Lindsay Walden Hollar
Ada Area Chamber of Commerce Director

As we approach the new year, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and involvement in the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce. Your membership has been integral to fostering growth, connection, and success within our community.

Special meeting to be held re N. Gilbert ambulance traffic

6:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 19 at Ada-Liberty EMS building, 530 N. Gilbert St.

The Village of Ada has announced a special meeting to be held on December 19, 2024 regarding traffic light/signs for ambulance traffic on Gilbert St.

What's up at the Ada library, December 9-14

The following events are scheduled for December 10-14 at the Ada Public Library:

Tuesday, November 10

Tween Time (6th grade) - 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Family Storytime - 6-7 p.m.

Wednesday, December 11

Tech Assistance - 11 a.m.-8 p.m.

Information night for Apollo's Project | SEARCH

Wednesday, December 11, 5-7:00 p.m, Mercy Health in the Physicians Conference Room, Health Cafe

Project | SEARCH is a year-long program offered by Apollo Career Center. This program is tailored for students with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.

Prizes invitation for 2025 Farmers and Merchants Picnic

2025 Farmers and Merchants Picnic organizers are looking for some businesses/ and/or volunteers to donate two grandprizes for its August 9 event.

Ada Food Pantry reports usage lower than 2023

From Ada Food Pantry on Facebook

The Ada Food Pantry posted the attached graphic and report on 2024 usage: "Many thanks to everyone in the community who supports the Food Pantry! Useage has been a bit lower than in 2023, although still higher than the previous six years.

"We also currently provide weekend food to more than 60 K-5 students with the Ada Bulldog Blessings Backpack Program. This wouldn't be possible without your donations!"
