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Letter: Customer appreciation in January

By Amber Simon
Buckeye East Coffee Shop

We so appreciate our customers, especially during the month of January.

The three J’s are a known struggle for those in retail and small town businesses: January, June and July.

This tracks for the small businesses in Ada. We rely heavily on the college community. And with the college off for winter break until the end of January, it can be tough.

However, I want to thank our locals for pushing in last week. As we were still slow, we have climbed from the previous years. We are still in a season of growth and we know that is due to locals supporting us and sharing about us with friends and family.

Lima Symphony awarded $10K grant for "Found Sound" program

LIMA __The Lima Symphony Orchestra (LSO) has been approved by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for a Challenge America award of $10,000. This generous grant will support the orchestra’s upcoming educational initiative, Found Sound Around the World.

A six-week educational program led by Dr. Sarah Waters, Found Sound Around the World is designed to introduce students to world music through drumming and cultural exploration. Participants will create instruments from found objects and learn about the histories, cultures, and arts of Africa, the Caribbean, China, and Native American tribes.

Purchase Hardin Co. dog tags by January 31

Reminder from the Hardin County Sheriff: Time is running out to purchase 2025 dog tags The last day to purchase tags without a penalty is January 31. The cost is $20 per tag; after January 31, the cost is $40 per tag.

Tags may also be purchased on-line via the Auditor's website at: or

Tags may be purchased at the Hardin County Auditor's Office in the Courthouse and the Hardin County Dog Shelter/Dog Warden's Office at the Hardin County Dog Shelter, 49 Jones Rd. Kenton.

January chamber membership meeting is postponed

Due to inclement weather, the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce is postponing the January membership meeting originally planned for Wednesday, January 15.

The chamber has also established the following dates for events in 2025

- August 23, 9th Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival

- September 20, 39th Harvest & Herb Festival

- December 13, Merry on Main

Ada Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 225
Ada, Ohio 45810

Board game collection for indoor recess

From the Ada Academic Boosters

With the cold weather comes inside recess. The Ada Academic Boosters are helping students and staff with some new entertainment with the support of community members. They have established an Amazon registry for board games, puzzles and cards.

The registry closes on January 19. Items will automatically be mailed to the Boosters' president and delivered to classrooms next week.


Just a spoonful of ?

From Ada Ohio Historical Society Facebook

Q. Searching for information on a medicine bottle we found in our crawl space. Druggist Dr Printz in Ada, Ohio. Thinking 1940-1950 based off the bottle markings. Owens Illinois duraglas.
