The Village of Ada has posted the agenda for the Regular council meeting of December 7, which will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall Council Chambers, 115 W Buckeye Ave and livestreamed at
The full agenda is posted at
The agenda includes:
- Pay ordinances
- 2021-23A $ 665,843.74
- 2021-23B $ 32.19
- 2021-23C $ 48,170.29
- Second reading to establish annual appropriations of the Village of Ada, Ohio for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2022
- First reading to vacate an east/west alley within the village
Scheduled reports include Committee Reports:
Safety by Mr. Oestreich
Personnel by Mr. Simmons: Executive Session, Christmas Party Memo, Authorization for Select Benefits Memo
Streets by Ms. Coressel
Finance by Mr. Ristau
Buildings and Grounds by Mr. Keiser
Utilities by Ms. Mason:
Staff reports include:
Fiscal Officer’s Report by Patty Navin
Police Chief’s Report by Michael Harnishfeger
Zoning Inspector’s Report by Michael Harnishfeger
Village Administrator’s Report by Jamie Hall
Legal Counsel’s Report by Jane Napier