The November 2 Regular Council Meeting of the Village of Ada was attended by four of six members. Sheila Coressel was absent because of the General Election.
Payments included the installation of LED lighting in the municipal parking lot following the failure of twenty-some bulbs and ballasts.
The following resolutions passed unanimously:
- Authorization to enter an agreement with Jones & Henry Ltd for Water Treatment Plant improvements and ATS project.
- Authorization to enter an agreement with Dixon Engineering for Water Tower Rehabilitation.
- Authorization of Fiscal Officer to pay 2022 utility and payroll expenses.
The following ordinance passed unanimously:
- First reading of authorization to assess street lights within the village for 2022. The village administrator asked for an emergency declaration at the Nov. 16 meeting.
In New Business, the council approved an employment agreement for Phil Eppley as Wastewater Treatment Operator.
In committee reports, Terry Keiser noted that tree trimming will take place from approximately 4-6:00 p.m. on November 12.
In the Fiscal Officer’s report, Patty Navin noted that 648 letters had been sent to Ada residents regarding RITA municipal income tax collection.
In the Police Chief’s report, Chief Michael Harnishfeger reported:
- Two youths were discovered to have vandalized a cello and computer in Presser Hall.
- Theft of clothes from the laundromat; cameras showed the license plate of the culprit.
- Seven guns were stolen and a suspect is in custody; the guns are not recovered.
The meeting lasted approximately 25 minutes before the council recessed for an executive session to discuss employment topics.
A full agenda and the approved minutes of the October 19 Regular Meeting are available at Combined Agenda & Minutes.