By club Reporter Lindsey Winings
The Jumbo Jr. Farmers 4-H Club met at McDonald Township Hall on June 28th at 7:00 pm. The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Samantha Blue.
Ryan Harpster led the Pledge of Allegiance and Tanner Schinness led the 4-H pledge.
Roll call, noted by Tate Ketcham, was responded to by members with their favorite ride. Attendance included eighteen members, 12 parents, and 4 volunteers.
Treasurer report was given by Noah Ketcham and a health report was done by Ade Bridenstine. The report was on sunscreen application.
A project presentation was done by Quinn Dyer on woodworking.
Topics of new business included; planning a co-hosted swim party with Lynn Valley Farmers at the Kenton City Pool on August 4th, project check-in, and members sign-up for watering flowers at the fairgrounds.
Club Announcements included judging dates and requirements, reminders for last quality assurance training, and fair entries to Paul Ralston.
The meeting was adjourned.
Refreshments were served by Manns' and Dyers' and recreation was led by Gabe Purcell.
The next meeting is set for Monday, July 12th at 7:00 pm at the McDonald Township Hall. Projects reports will be given by various members as practice for judging. Refreshments for the next meeting will be provided by the Ketcham family (snacks) and the Purcell family (drinks).
Pictures: Quinn Dyer giving woodworking project presentation and Ade Bridenstine giving Health Officer Report.