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"Doctor Who" inspired Maddy Lomax-Vogt to pursue Astronomy and Physics

15 minutes with Maddy Lomax-Vogt

Note: This is the first in a series of "15 minutes with..." profiles. The Icon is open to suggestions on who to interview next. We are interested in viewers who live in Ada or former Ada residents who read The Icon from way off.

Send your suggestions on who to interview next to: [email protected]. We appreciate Maddy's willingness to help us launch this column.

Maddy, what year are you at Ada?
I'm a senior.

Lots of miles per gallon

Several persons with ONU connections participated in the Sept. 9 Hancock Horizontal Hundred bicycle ride. From left, Bob Ward, Karen Ward, Lisa Robeson, Dan DiBiasio, Chris Burns-DiBiasio, Chris North, Becky Gainey, and Richard Gainey. Missing from the photo is Dean Albrecht.

Dr. Eric Baumgartner tells Rotary about his driving experience on the Red Planet

Dr. Eric Baumgartner has never been to Mars, but he drove Opportunity, one of the Mars Rovers, around the planet.

The dean and professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio Northern University shared his  “space travel” experiences at the Sept. 11 Ada Rotary meeting.

Ada police call log from Sept. 3-9

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, released the Ada Police call logs for Sept. 3 to Sept. 9 to The Icon.

September 3rd
Traffic stop warning for equipment
Traffic stop warning for speed
Handlled vandalism complaint on Simon St, report taken
Alarm drop at Rite Aid
Traffic stop warning for expired registration

September 4th
Handled B&E complaint, report taken
Assist other agency
Traffic stop warning for speed & equipment
Traffic stop warning for stop sign

Presbyterian Church at turn of an earlier century


Here's a post card photo of the First Presbyterian Church and Parsonage, Ada, Ohio. The post card has the name C.R. Wilson, Ada, printed on the photo side.

There are several things to notice:

1 - Width of the street
2 - Lincoln is not paved
3 - Tree lawn

Icon viewers are encouraged to make other observations from this post card.

(From the collection of Leland Crouse)

Ohio Northern University presents ‘The Liar’ Sept. 13-16

Ohio Northern University’s Freed Center for the Performing Arts will present “The Liar” in the Biggs Theatre from Sept. 13-16 at 7:30 p.m. and Sept. 15-16 at 2 p.m.

Contemporary American comic master David Ives turns this 17th-century classic by Pierre Corneille into a hilarious evening of fun. The audience follows a dashing bachelor – the “liar” of the title – on a zany tour through Paris while his penchant for telling tall tales gets him into loads of comical trouble, particularly with the opposite sex.
