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Special Council Public Meeting Notice for April 26

Grandview Boulevard proposed project

The Village of Ada will hold a special council meeting to discuss the Grandview Boulevard proposed project.

The meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at Community Health Professionals Building, 1200 S. Main Street, Ada.

This meeting will be held to review updated construction plans for the Grandview Boulevard Reconstruction Proposed Project. Plans to be presented are 90% complete and are designed from the scope of work defined from the first public meeting.

Liberty Village Preschool booster club and fundraisers announced

Village PUP Pack

Liberty Village Preschool, located within the Ada Schools administration building at 725 W. North St., is establishing a booster club and 501c3 nonprofit organization. Its mission is to support the needs of the students and staff of Liberty Village Preschool through volunteering and fundraising.

One of the organization's first projects is to help provide playgound equipment for a new area that has been fenced near the classrooms. Some $4,000 has been raised.

To be named the Village PUP Pack (Partners United in Purpose), the club is hosting the following fundraising events in April (flyers below):

April 23, 2022, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

I spy: F. I. Co

A curious round plaque was spotlighted on a sunny morning in downtown Ada. Cole-Humphrey Insurance, 115 N. Main, bears this relic of Fireman's Insurance Company coverage next to their entrance. The mark alerted volunteer fire fighters that the building was insured.

1937 earthquake shook Ohio

Icon founder Fred Steiner blogs about 1937 earthquakes that shook Ohio. You'll find the Ada Herald story from 1937 HERE, in the digital archives of the Ada Public Library.

By Fred Steiner,

Ada council meets April 19

The next regular meeting of the Ada village council is at 6:30 p.m. on April 19.

A packet for the meeting, including an agenda and minutes from the prior meeting can be viewed on the village website.

Village of Ada Regular Council Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Meetings are held in Council Chambers, located on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Building, 115 West Buckeye Ave. Elevator service is available. 

Village advertises for street paving bid proposals

Ada village administrator Jamie Hall has posted the following Notice of Request for Bid Proposal on the 2022 Village of Ada Street Paving Project.

April 7, 2022


2022 Village of Ada Street Paving Project
