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Ada's latest news

State Route 81 closure near Dunkirk

ODOT District 1 has issued the following highway construction update for the week of August 15. Outlined work is weather permitting.

State Route 81 on the east side of Township Road 125, approximately one mile west of the village if Dunkirk, will close on Monday, August 15, for approximately two days for a culvert replacement.

Detour: U.S. 68 to SR 701 to SR 235 back to SR 81 (see attached map).

Eighteen garage sales and counting

Staring today, August 11, the Bluffton Icon features the most popular weekend for garage sales in the area.

We have eighteen garage sales listed on our Classifieds page--and counting....

The Icon offers the same listings on both the Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon.

Picnic Pull and Truck & Semi Show on Aug. 13

The Annual Farmers & Merchants features two events for truck, semi and tractor enthusiasts:


  • 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

For information about the Truck & Semi Show, call or text Matt Henicle at 419-966-3354.


  • 6:30 p.m.
  • Admission $10 adults
    Senior citizens and veterans - Free
    Kids 10 & under - Free with paid adult

Classes include
8700 Tri State Super Field Tractors

5200 2WD Trucks

6500 Limited Street Gas Trucks

6500 Cheater Street Gas Trucks

8500 Open Street Diesel 4x4

8000 Work Stock Diesel 4x4

Ada Athletic Boosters membership drive

The Ada Athletic Boosters are holding a membership drive. Their message? 

"We would LOVE to have you and/or your support! Let’s Go Dogs!!"

Print and mail the attached form to join the group.

The mission of the Ada Athletic Boosters is to support and encourage academic and athletic excellence in all of Ada's student athletes and athletic teams.

For more information, email [email protected].

Dressing up for Dolly

Area supporters of the Hardin County Imagination Library, L-R) Karen Moore, Beccy Ramsey, Stacey Hensley and Annettea Holmes, attended Ohio's First Lady Lunch honoring Dolly Parton for her contributions to literacy by providing free books for children 5 years old and younger.

College town atmosphere ramps up beginning Aug. 17

Are you ready for some freshpersons? Ohio Northern University new student move-in is less than a week away. During August 17-21 new undergraduate and new law students will first arrive on campus, followed by returning students.

An early opportunity see and meet new students is ACE Community Day on August 20. Ada Community Engagement Day, or ACE Day, is a university tradition held on the Saturday of Welcome Weekend.

The university details "ACE Day provides an opportunity for incoming freshmen to serve the Ada community, their new home for the next four, five or six years. Projects include a variety of tasks, such as painting, gardening, washing fire trucks and more."
