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High winds coming to Ada this afternoon

Ada Icon viewers should watch for rapidly changing weather conditions today (April 16).

According AEP Community Relations, the following storm advisor was issued this morning: Strong southwest winds will develop today behind a cold front crossing the region.

Much of Ohio will see sustained winds increase to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph.

However...the highest winds will be over northeast Indiana and northwest Ohio where gusts may hit 50 mph this afternoon. Winds this strong are likely to cause minor to moderate problems for the utilities.

High winds this afternoon

AdaIcon viewers should watch for rapidly changing weather conditions today (April 16). According AEP Community Relations, a storm advisor was issued this morning. Details are on the story below.

Red Wings even series with Nashville

By Mitch Gatzke
The spillover from game one didn't take long to boil over in game two of the Detroit- Nashville NHL playoff series.  Just a minute and a half into the game Todd Bertuzzi engaged Shea Weber and soon enough the two were throwing punches at one another.

The Red Wings did not take too kindly to Weber slamming Detroit's leading scorer Henrik Zetterberg's head into the glass at the conclusion of the first game on Wednesday.  There was sure to be a consequence awaiting Weber courtesy of his opponents.  Bertuzzi did what a good teammate and tough guy does, protect his team's stars from the other teams goons.

Wild with blooms

The ONU campus is wild with blooms in mid-April. This view is from the entrance of campus from Main Street.

"The Tiger's Wife" May 1 public library book discussion

The next book discussion by the Ada Public Library centers on the book "The Tiger's Wife," by Téa Obreht.

The discussion is held at 7 p.m., Tuesday, May 1, in the library.

Brief summary

In a Balkan country mending from war, Natalia, a young doctor, is compelled to unravel the mysterious circumstances surrounding her beloved grandfather’s recent death. Searching for clues, she turns to his worn copy of The Jungle Book and the stories he told her of his encounters over the years with “the deathless man.” But most extraordinary of all is the story her grandfather never told her—the legend of the tiger’s wife.

Juniors Discovery Day April 21

Ohio Northern University will host a Junior Discover ONU Day for high school juniors on Saturday, April 21, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Approximately 100 prospective students and their families are expected to attend the open house.
